Saturday, July 7, 2012


Hello, in case you haven't noticed I'm not one of those people who post on their blog daily, weekly, or even annually... well maybe annually. 
Snakecord is a piece I developed in drips and drabs from late 2010 onwards and only recently started and then finished the painting process. I think the absence of a figurative presence led to its slow progress. I was however happy enough with the finished drawings and it how it all came together to see it through to completion. Both panels are about 45.7cm x 35.6cm in size and are painted in acrylic. The general theme I had for this piece was: doing what you want helps you to become that.
 This piece reminded me of the problems that can arise from varnishing and scanning artwork. From the joys of removing foreign objects stuck to the varnish to the great fun that can be had merging multiple scans together. 

'Snakecord'  Part 1 of 2

'Snakecord'  Part 2 of 2